الاستراتيجيات التربوية النبوية ودورها في تقويم السلوك الإنساني The Prophetic Educational Strategies and their Role in Evaluating Human Behaviour

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Dr. Mohammed Faisal Mohammed Ba-hamish



The study aimed to highlight the prophetic efforts in identifying human errors through the lens of education, working towards rectification, and fostering positive behavioral transformation. It also aimed to explore educational strategies utilized in the field of education and the proficiency of the prophetic model in employing these strategies to instigate sustainable ethical transformation. Furthermore, it aimed to uncover the positive roles and impacts played by these strategies in fostering an empowered and socially responsible generation. The researcher chose the descriptive-analytical method to diagnose the prophetic educational reality and correlate findings with actual situations, incorporating approaches for inclusion in educational disciplinary literature. Among the key findings of the study: Prophetic educational strategies had a significant positive impact on addressing errors, refining human character, and promoting concepts of good citizenship. The professional utilization of these educational strategies unequivocally demonstrated the Prophet's capability to employ them in suitable contexts and times to make an educational difference. Key recommendations include the incorporation of prophetic strategies into educational institutions and psychological rehabilitation centers due to their proven effectiveness in fostering sustainable behavioral improvement. Additionally, intellectuals and future builders in educational research centers are encouraged to dedicate their efforts to writing about such topics, as they provide educators with disciplinary methods contributing to the cultivation of a generation that upholds noble values while rejecting moral deviance culture.

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How to Cite
Dr. Mohammed Faisal Mohammed Ba-hamish. 2023. “الاستراتيجيات التربوية النبوية ودورها في تقويم السلوك الإنساني: The Prophetic Educational Strategies and Their Role in Evaluating Human Behaviour”. Mohi Ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies 1 (II):64-90. https://mjis.miu.edu.pk/index.php/mjis/article/view/26.