الموارد الطبيعية بين الترشيد وحسن الاستغلال في السيرة النبوية The Natural Resources between Conservation and Proper Utilization in the light of Prophetic Biography

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Dr. Lamia Tabet


Our world today faces many problems and challenges, most notably the environment and its natural resources, and how to deal with these resources and make them sustainable for the benefit of current and future generations, is a significant aspect. The population explosion and the steady increase of people in all parts of the world, especially developing ones, increases the pressure on these resources to secure human requirements for basic and non-basic needs. Human beings find themselves forced to expand at the expense of natural resources despite their limitations, as the reserve levels of some of these resources have decreased frighteningly. This requires us to study the status of these resources and rationalize their use for the benefit of current and future generations. Since we belong to the Islamic world, we must analyse the situation and have to return to the commandments of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, to benefit from natural resources and ways to rationalize their exploitation. We must learn the lessons of these hadiths and live based on progress and the preservation of the environment and natural resources in sustainable ways.

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How to Cite
Dr. Lamia Tabet. 2023. “الموارد الطبيعية بين الترشيد وحسن الاستغلال في السيرة النبوية : The Natural Resources Between Conservation and Proper Utilization in the Light of Prophetic Biography”. Mohi Ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies 1 (I):61-82. https://mjis.miu.edu.pk/index.php/mjis/article/view/32.