ذہنی تناؤ کے اسباب واثرات اور سدباب: سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ Causes and Effects of Mental Stress and its Remedies: A Review in the Light of Sīrah Ṭayyībah

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Dr. Raja Majid Moazzam
Syed Mudassar Ali Gardaizi


This research study explores the relationship between stress management and the teachings of Sīrah, the biographical account of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to develop effective stress management strategies. Drawing from primary Islamic sources, the study finds causes of stress and its effects keeping in view the teaching of Prophet of Islam. The investigation employs an analytical approach, integrating psychological and spiritual dimensions. The research unfolds a nuanced understanding of stress management, emphasizing the role of faith, resilience, and coping mechanisms derived from Sīrah. By intertwining empirical evidence with the spiritual insights from the Prophet's life, the study offers a unique perspective on stress management that is both culturally sensitive and universally applicable. In conclusion, “causes and effects of mental stress and its remedies: A Research Study in the Light of Sīrah" contributes to the burgeoning field of Islamic psychology, offering a holistic approach to stress that encompasses both the psychological and spiritual dimensions of human experience. The findings aim to guide individuals towards a more balanced and resilient life, aligning with the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the Sīrah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

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How to Cite
Dr. Raja Majid Moazzam, and Syed Mudassar Ali Gardaizi. 2023. “ذہنی تناؤ کے اسباب واثرات اور سدباب: سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ : Causes and Effects of Mental Stress and Its Remedies: A Review in the Light of Sīrah Ṭayyībah”. Mohi Ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies 1 (I):1-19. https://mjis.miu.edu.pk/index.php/mjis/article/view/48.