اطفال کی تعمیر شخصیت میں رائج الوقت تعلیمی ادارے اور دینی مدارس کے کردارکا تجزیاتی مطالعہ The Role of Education Curriculum and Educational Institutions (Conventional and Religious Schools) in Child Training and Personality Development

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Aysha Zahoor
Dr. Hafiz Mohsin Zia Qazi


The educational curriculum and the institutions responsible for its implementation play significant role in education and personality formation of children. Curriculum serves as a blueprint for what students learn and how they acquire knowledge and skills. In traditional schools, the curriculum usually covers a wide range of subjects, with aim of providing students with a good education. As Allah said in the Qur'an: “And He taught Adam the names of all”. Educational institutions, whether traditional or religious, serve as an environment where children spend a lot of time of their early years. These institutions not only contribute to educational development but also play a significant role in inculcating values, ethics and social skills. Allah said in the Qur'an: “And it is He Who made you caliphs in the earth and gave some of you higher ranks than others, that He may test you with what He has given you.” The purpose of this research is to examine important roles of the curriculum and educational institutions in how they shape children's character, values and skills. Aim of this study is to provide insight into different approaches to child rearing, which shed light on the potential impact on personality development.

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How to Cite
Aysha Zahoor, and Dr. Hafiz Mohsin Zia Qazi. 2024. “اطفال کی تعمیر شخصیت میں رائج الوقت تعلیمی ادارے اور دینی مدارس کے کردارکا تجزیاتی مطالعہ: The Role of Education Curriculum and Educational Institutions (Conventional and Religious Schools) in Child Training and Personality Development”. Mohi Ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies 2 (I):1-17. https://mjis.miu.edu.pk/index.php/mjis/article/view/54.