Mohi ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies
<p><strong>MJIS</strong> (Mohi Ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies) is a double blind peer reviewed scholarly journal approved by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan and published by Department of Islamic Studies, Mohi Ud Din Islamic University AJ&K. The journal is dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Islam and of the Islamic world. It seeks to publish articles that identify, explore, extend and unify Islamic Knowledge pertaining to Quranic Science, Ḥadith Sciences, Islamic Law, Islamic History, Sufism, Shariah & Law, Social Sciences, Economics, Politics, Islamic Culture and Civilizations, Comparative Religions and other related disciplines.</p>Al-Sarakhsī Dār al-Tarjamah wa al-Ṭibā‘ah, Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif (AJK)en-USMohi ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies3007-3812اطفال کی تعمیر شخصیت میں رائج الوقت تعلیمی ادارے اور دینی مدارس کے کردارکا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
<p>The educational curriculum and the institutions responsible for its implementation play significant role in education and personality formation of children. Curriculum serves as a blueprint for what students learn and how they acquire knowledge and skills. In traditional schools, the curriculum usually covers a wide range of subjects, with aim of providing students with a good education. As Allah said in the Qur'an: “And He taught Adam the names of all”. Educational institutions, whether traditional or religious, serve as an environment where children spend a lot of time of their early years. These institutions not only contribute to educational development but also play a significant role in inculcating values, ethics and social skills. Allah said in the Qur'an: “And it is He Who made you caliphs in the earth and gave some of you higher ranks than others, that He may test you with what He has given you.” The purpose of this research is to examine important roles of the curriculum and educational institutions in how they shape children's character, values and skills. Aim of this study is to provide insight into different approaches to child rearing, which shed light on the potential impact on personality development.</p>Aysha ZahoorDr. Hafiz Mohsin Zia Qazi
Copyright (c) 2024 Mohi ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies
2024-06-242024-06-242I117 (بچوں کی نشوونماء پر کارٹون بینی کے اثرات ( سیرت النبی ﷺ کی روشنی میں
<p>Children are the builders of tomorrow and a valuable asset to society. It is the responsibility of parents, teachers, all educational and training institutions within society to guide their upbringing in the right direction. Just like books and magazines, cartoon-based short films or serial videos have become a focal point of children's attention in every home. Without distinction of language and culture, cartoons in every popular language, particularly Urdu, English, Arabic, and Hindi, are watched and shown in Pakistan as a source of entertainment, amusement, and education. These include mythological stories, comedic sketches, and cartoons based on religious education and training, which are particularly noteworthy. The content and themes of these films leave lasting and indelible impressions on children's minds, shaping their morals and beliefs. Therefore, there is a need to discuss these films from a research perspective. In this paper, in light of this necessity, some cartoon-based films and the publishing websites in Arabic, Urdu, and Hindi will be discussed. These cartoons required to be analyzed and compared their positive and negative effects on morals and beliefs. In the light of the Sīrah of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) we have to revisit our childern’s behaviour in this regard keeping in view the side effects of upon the valuable assest.</p>Dr. Irum SultanaDr. Mehmoona Khushbakht
Copyright (c) 2024 Mohi ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies
2024-06-242024-06-242I1847فقہ اسلامی میں قاضی و جج کے طرز عمل کا ادب القاضی کی روشنی میں اختصاصی مطالعہ
<p>This article elaborates the conduct concerning Qāzī and judge in the light of <em>Adab–al-Qazi</em> in the furtherance of Islamic fiqh. The word <em>adab</em> is significance of discipline and good quality. Word <em>Qāzī</em> means the authority that makes the judgments. <em>Adab-al-Qāzī</em> means in juxta line, the judicial system of Islam and its requirements to dispersement of administration of justice. Code of conduct of Qāzī and Judge are very important in judicial proceedings. This research finds that the <em>Qāzī</em> and judge should be God-fearing during the whole process concerning a judgment. They should be taken a decision after hearing of the parties and ability of awareness of situations with respect to multiple angles. They should not favour any party, nor accept any gift and invitations and should be avoiding all those things which can shake their credibility. Decision of <em>Qāzī</em> and judge should base in the light of available testimonial material which leads the facts in the light of Qur’ān and Sunnah and derived rules in the furtherance of Qur’ān and Sunnah.</p>Qazi Abdul Qadeer
Copyright (c) 2024 Mohi ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies
2024-06-242024-06-242I4870المنهج النبوي في تقويم سلوك النشء، دراسة حديثية موضوعية
<p>The research aimed to explain the Prophetic approach in evaluating the behavior of young people, as the stages of late childhood up to adulthood are considered among the most important stages of life in a person’s life due to the physical and psychological changes that affect the individual at this stage. The importance of the research lies in explaining the methods of the Prophet in evaluating the behavior of youth, and explaining the characteristics of the Prophet’s approach in correcting behavior. The research also focused on explaining the concept of evaluation. Language and terminology, and explaining the definition of behavior language and terminology, and defining youth linguistically and terminology, with an explanation of the motives for behavior, and the upbringing of youth in particular, as the prophetic approach is sufficient to control life with all its adversities towards achieving Happiness in both worlds is for its individuals. It is an integrated, divine approach that knows the nature of the human soul, and its goal is clear. It seeks to educate the body, spirit, soul, and mind in comparison with educational theories that tolerate acceptance and rejection. Its approach is based on the physiological and mental structure and the changes that follow to explain human behavior as a child, a young man, and then a normal man. This has been followed. The research ended with several results, including: directing the attention of parents and teachers to the necessity of caring for young people and protecting them from intellectual and behavioral deviation, and ensuring that children are linked to the biography of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the biography of his companions, may God be pleased with them. The study demonstrated the genius of the Prophet’s approach to education in general<strong>.</strong></p>Iman Muhammad Habib Youssef
Copyright (c) 2024 Mohi ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies
2024-06-242024-06-242I71101Concept of ‘urf (Custom) in Islamic Law and its Application in Social Affairs: An Analytical Study
<p>The paper delves into the concept of ‘urf (custom) within the framework of Islamic law and its crucial role in the regulation and adaptation of social affairs. ‘Urf, recognized as an important source of Islamic jurisprudence, facilitates the harmonization of legal principles with prevailing social norms, thereby ensuring relevance and applicability in diverse contexts. Through a meticulous analytical study, this paper explores how ‘urf is integrated into Islamic legal systems, detailing the conditions under which customs can be considered legitimate sources of law. It also examines various case studies to illustrate the implementation of ‘urf across different Islamic societies, highlighting its dynamic capability to adapt legal and ethical norms to local conditions. This study underscores the significance of ‘urf in bridging the gap between rigid legal frameworks and contemporary social practices, thus fostering a flexible, yet principled approach to modern legal challenges. The study finds that 'urf (custom) plays a critical role in adapting Islamic law to local social realities, ensuring that legal applications remain both relevant and respectful of community norms. This flexibility highlights 'urf’s vital function in maintaining the dynamism and applicability of Islamic jurisprudence in diverse societal contexts.</p>Dr. Syed Ameer Hassan
Copyright (c) 2024 Mohi ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies