سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں پانی کے تحفظ اور استعمال کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ Analytical Study of Conservation and Utilization of Water in the Light of Sīrah Ṭayyībah

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Hafiz Waqas Nazar
Dr. Khalid Usman


This "Water" is most valuable blessing among the many blessings of the Creator of the universe, it has been mentioned 59 times in the Holy Quran, it has been declared as the real essence in the creation of mankind, on the other hand, it has been acknowledged as a means of getting purity from it, in one place water has been declared as a means of quenching thirst and in another place, it has been stated that dead earth is given life through water. According to research by R.O Plants Pakistan, a person's body contains 35 to 50 liters of water, 65 to 70 percent of the total weight in men is water, while women get 65 percent water, if you take only the brain, then 85 percent of it is water. According to a report by the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, 85% of the urban population is deprived of clean water, while 82% of the people in the villages do not have access to clean water. According to the Pakistan Medical Health Association, 90 percent of diseases in the country are caused by drinking water, due to which 1.1 million people die annually. The importance of water cannot be denied in any way, however, the main role in water pollution is also domestic use, so in this context, the need of the era is to assess and prevent the causes of pollution in domestic use.

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How to Cite
Hafiz Waqas Nazar, and Dr. Khalid Usman. 2023. “سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں پانی کے تحفظ اور استعمال کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ: Analytical Study of Conservation and Utilization of Water in the Light of Sīrah Ṭayyībah”. Mohi Ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies 1 (II):38-63. https://mjis.miu.edu.pk/index.php/mjis/article/view/44.