Causes of Water Scarcity in Pakistan and Remedies in the Light of Seerah al-Nabaviyyah

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Muhammad Faran Warraich
Saima Azhar


Islam, as a comprehensive code of life, highlights the responsible stewardship of natural resources, including water. Water is
indispensable for life and important to the creation and sustenance of life. The Quran referred the water as a symbol of life, purification, and blessing of Allah Almighty while water management holds a vital significance within Islamic teachings. Islamic principles and practices highlight the conservation, equitable distribution, and proper usage of water assets. The idea of Khalifatullah-fil-Ardh and Amanah is dominant to Islamic ethics, urging believers to act as custodians of the Earth's resources. This principle encompasses to water, inspiring responsible management to safeguard its obtainability for present and future generations. The last Apostle Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم highlighted the just distribution of water, forbidding wastefulness even if by the side of a flowing river. The issue maybe recovered through proper management and techniques. By following the Sirah Al-Nabaviyyah along with modern water management practices, Pakistani society can overcome the scarcity of water and safeguard the availability of this valuable water reserves while upholding their ethical responsibilities. This article aims to highlight the reasons of scarcity of water in Pakistan and present the solutions in the light of the Sirah Al-Nabaviyyah.

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How to Cite
Muhammad Faran Warraich, and Saima Azhar. 2023. “Causes of Water Scarcity in Pakistan and Remedies in the Light of Seerah Al-Nabaviyyah”. Mohi Ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies 1 (II):1-19.