عصرِ حاضر میں بچوں کے لیے اُردو زبان میں ادب ِ سیرت سے استفادہ کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ An Analytical Study of Currently Available Sīrah Literature in Urdu for Children Seeking Benefits

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Saiqa Gulnaz
Ayesha Altaf


The character of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is perfect for each and every member of the society. Regarding the education and training of children, sayings and practical examples of the Prophet have been preserved in the pages of history by biographers. Many biographers have created a large number of biographical literatures especially for children. Through his words and actions, he trained the children according to their temperament, psychology, habits and needs. literature has also been created in this regard in Urdu language in the Indian subcontinent. Children's needs, psychology and activities are completely different nowadays. The question is, what role does the current biographical literature play according to the psychology and needs of modern children? What kind of biographical literature is needed to solve the problems of child education and children in the modern era? By adopting and analytical method of research, the subject Sīrah-oriented for children can provide to the tabula rasa an input saturated with the qualities towards personality development keeping in view the habits and attitude of a child in entire life later on. In the light of the derived results, suggestions and recommendations have been made for the importance of biography reading during early age to focus prophetic life, learning by heart Sīrah events imbuing love of Prophet (peace be upon him) and the character building.

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How to Cite
Saiqa Gulnaz, and Ayesha Altaf. 2023. “عصرِ حاضر میں بچوں کے لیے اُردو زبان میں ادب ِ سیرت سے استفادہ کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ: An Analytical Study of Currently Available Sīrah Literature in Urdu for Children Seeking Benefits”. Mohi Ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies 1 (II):23-37. https://mjis.miu.edu.pk/index.php/mjis/article/view/45.