سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں تجارتی آداب واخلاق کا تجزیا تی مطالعہ A Study of Trading Etiquettes and Ethics in the Light of Sīrat-i Ṭayyībah

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Muhammad Nasir
Hafiz Muhammad Irfan Chishti


This study aims to visit an intersection of trading etiquette and the principles elucidated in the light of Sīrat-i Ṭayyībah, which encapsulates the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The research critically examines the ethical dimensions of business conduct of a trader as outlined in Sīrat-i Ṭayyībah. By studying the Prophetic teaching concerning various business transactions, the study aims to analyses timeless principles that can guide contemporary entrepreneurs and professionals. It explores the emphasis placed on honesty, transparency, and fairness in Prophet Muhammad's commercial engagements, providing a framework for ethical business behavior. Additionally, the research delves into the relevance and applicability of these principles in the modern business landscape, considering the evolving dynamics of commerce. The work highlights various aspects of a link between traditional Islamic teachings and contemporary commercial practices, promoting a business environment grounded in ethical values and societal welfare. It also shows that the Prophet's emphasis on transparent transactions, equitable dealings, and ethical considerations. It may be a resource for scholars, business leaders, and policymakers seeking to integrate the rich ethical traditions of Sīrat-i Ṭayyībah into contemporary commercial practices. Keeping in view the negative aspects due shortfall of trade’s ethics a emphasized in a roadmap should be followed.

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How to Cite
Muhammad Nasir, and Hafiz Muhammad Irfan Chishti. 2023. “سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں تجارتی آداب واخلاق کا تجزیا تی مطالعہ : A Study of Trading Etiquettes and Ethics in the Light of Sīrat-I Ṭayyībah”. Mohi Ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies 1 (I):20-39. https://mjis.miu.edu.pk/index.php/mjis/article/view/49.