فقہ اسلامی میں قاضی و جج کے طرز عمل کا ادب القاضی کی روشنی میں اختصاصی مطالعہ Specific Study of Code of Conduct of Qāzī and Judge in the Light of Adab-al-Qāzī in Islamic Fiqh
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This article elaborates the conduct concerning Qāzī and judge in the light of Adab–al-Qazi in the furtherance of Islamic fiqh. The word adab is significance of discipline and good quality. Word Qāzī means the authority that makes the judgments. Adab-al-Qāzī means in juxta line, the judicial system of Islam and its requirements to dispersement of administration of justice. Code of conduct of Qāzī and Judge are very important in judicial proceedings. This research finds that the Qāzī and judge should be God-fearing during the whole process concerning a judgment. They should be taken a decision after hearing of the parties and ability of awareness of situations with respect to multiple angles. They should not favour any party, nor accept any gift and invitations and should be avoiding all those things which can shake their credibility. Decision of Qāzī and judge should base in the light of available testimonial material which leads the facts in the light of Qur’ān and Sunnah and derived rules in the furtherance of Qur’ān and Sunnah.